Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sowing the Seeds of (Self) Love

Whenever I want to be sure my motives are pure I bring it all down and back to LOVE.  It's kind of part of having a LOT of planets in the sign of Libra when I was born to this earthly plane.  (If you have somehow reached this post through no cajoling on my part, then this is where I disclose that you will find occasional astrological references in posts where most "normal" people would not expect. I may elaborate on that in a another post...)  It's also just part of being human.  A human who loves love.  Not that animals and other lifeforms don't exude or receive love.  Have you ever heard of the rice experiment? (my first in-post link!)  It's absolutely fascinating.  Even rice seems to respond to love (and hate.) Someday soon I will have my family do this. But for my first post I thought I'd just sow some seeds of love and see what comes back to me.
Here a video example.  And yes, I grew up in the 80s AND saw these guys in concert. (my first video link!  This just keeps getting better and better folks!)

And here's a true confession:  while I love MANY things, I have a hard time loving myself fully and unconditionally.  And I don't like admitting that (part of my Venus in Virgo I imagine).  I'm getting better at it, but because the purpose of my blogging is to bring clarity and infuse light into my life,  I'm getting really real and putting some of my insecurities out there.  Don't worry - I have plenty of braggadocio to go along with the humility :).  To give you a better idea about who I am I will divulge some of what I love in general and some of what I love about myself.  Hopefully it will inspire you to make your own list and give yourself a hug.   So here goes:

  1. I LOVE being a Mormon (short term for a baptized member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I really do and it's about time I admitted it free and clear (you see it's not quite as cool to be a Mormon AND live in Utah.  It was much more interesting when I lived in NJ. Thanks Dad, for letting the missionaries set an appointment with you and mom to come back even when you were busy that New Years' day AND had a stockpile of holiday liquor on your front step.  It's been the gift that just keeps on giving.
  2. I LOVE astrology.  It has been one of the few things that I've never gotten tired of learning more about.  Since I have my natal moon in Gemini and all...
  3. I LOVE music.  And lots of different kinds at that.  Mostly I appreciate good rhythm, a fantastic bass line and interesting (not merely sappy) lyrics which reflect a variety of subjects and explorations (I can't listen to a country station for very long -sorry).
  4. I LOVE the challenge and growth opportunity that has been MOTHERHOOD.
  5. I LOVE finding natural ways to live clean and healthy.
  6. I LOVE that I have never given up when things have been hard or uncomfortable for me.
  7. I LOVE that I really try to give others the benefit of the doubt.  My 4th grade teacher, Mr. Russell, taught me that and it's one of the fews things that has stayed with me through the years.
  8. I LOVE that I am deeply affected by music.  It helps me feel when sometimes I block myself from my feelings.  
  9. I LOVE that I'm kind of sexy and I know it. (ah and I'm funny too)
  10. I LOVE that I'm good at chilling out.
Are you feeling the love???


  1. Love your blog...am curious about the zodiac thing, what a fun story about missionaries...didn't know your parents were converts.....and am intrigued by the rice experiment....thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for reading Laura :-).
    There is sure to be more on the zodiac sister! Yes, my parents were taught and baptized in 1964 (I think that's the year) in New Jersey. My dad gave all the liquor away after the lesson on the Word of Wisdom. Cool huh? And the rice experiment is too intriguing not to try. (Let me know if you try it with your kids).
