I have learned that I must REALLY be literally inspired in order to actually blog. So what literally inspires me?
The moon and Venus together in a cloudless twilight blue sky.
Look up.
En route to picking up my daughter from what will be a routine Tuesday 5:30pm ritual...I...looked...up. Did you guys see it? I feel like I need to publish this immediately just so you can go outside and experience the electric body of the Universe. Your Universe.
Made by God. For you.
Venus, aka the Evening Star because it is the first and brightest star to appear at night (when visible in your hemisphere/season), and the moon were the only lights up there and in the same section of sky. In my neck of the North American world they appear in the western sky.
DISCLAIMER: I did not do as well as I would have liked in a high school astronomy class (sorry to disappoint you Mr. Ransavage) and I am also not a very detail-oriented hobby astrologist. I consider myself an intuitive student of the astrological arts (with only a meager minor in it's scientific aspects). So don't go throwing Ophyiucus at me (see I spelled it wrong didn't I?). I don't give a rat's hinney about it. It seems to have no psychological bearing on my Sagittarius & Capricorn friends. Most will say "oh I bet THAT's my sign!" because they don't realize that we are all much more than our 1 sun sign. There are 10 major heavenly bodies and many other minor ones (asteroids) whose positions astrologers calculate at the exact time, place and latitude/longitude of your birth.
Sorry that was the world's longest disclaimer. It resembles some of my more wordy voice messages:). I am going to end this now with a simple link that may jog your curiosity of our connection to stars and other heavenly bodies electric. I definitely felt something when I looked up at those bodies in that twilight sky.